About Rockin’ D Fencing

Rockin’ D Fencing is a Houston area fencing company servicing customers in the Houston area since 2002.

Adam DeSplinter Rockin’ D’s owner, Adam DeSplinter has been in the fencing business for nearly 20 years. What began as helping friends and family with remodeling and fencing made him realize that he could benefit many people with his knowledge and in 2002, opened Rockin’ D Fencing. What sets Rockin’ D apart from their competition is pure and simple . . . superior service. Rockin’ D’s clients benefit because of Adam DeSplinter’s pride in the services he provides for his clients by using top-of-the-line products and his attention to detail. Unlike most fencing companies, Adam oversees all the fences they install from the beginning of the installation to completion. Their experience is not limited to just working with his clients, but they also will work with them and their insurance company’s when repairs are due to natural disasters such as a hurricane, tornadoes or flooding. Should the project be a repair due to natural disasters, Adam has the know-how and the experience to deal with insurance claims.

Adam DeSplinter is a huge believer in community involvement. He has been an integral part of participating in sponsorships for students in the FFA program as well as softball and swim team sponsorships. He has participated in the Houston Livestock and Rodeo, Pasadena, Brazoria and Galveston County Livestock & Rodeo since 2005.

Prior to Rockin’ D Fencing, Adam served as a United States Marine and served proudly as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. He is a firm believer in giving back to his community and offers special discounts to the men and women who are veterans and those who serve and protect our community.

Rockin’ D Fencing has been able to accommodate a vast array of clients with their services. Whether it is multi acre commercial property fencing, or residential fencing or patios on your property, they have everything you need for superior workmanship.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Fencing Project and Location.
Adam DeSplinter

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– For information concerning our service areas see our –
Houston Fence Service Areas

Your Superior Fence Company
Serving satisfied customers in the
State of Texas since 2004